A. Juraičio Rumšo fondas
Grupo de fundos:
Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos
Lituanistikos tyrimo centras (Lithuanian Research Center). Pasaulio lietuvių archyvas
Número do fundo:
A. Juraičio Rumšo fondas
- Knygos „A Short Review of the Local Citizenship and the Military Service in the Armes Forces of the US 1971“ dalys.
- Knyga „MY Search for legal help...“ papildomi priedai: 1. Attorneys – personal source of contact; 2. US Congressman Psl. 1-5.
- Continued Correspondence registration and Disciplinary Commision in regard to my past attorney – his failure to account for some of his acts and doings - to be added after „Short review...“ Psl. 1-27.
- Continues correspondence – US Immigration- US senator Kennedy – Rimša. Psl. 1-45. AplankasThe Supreme Court of USA 1976 m. Prašymai dėl bylos atnaujinimo. Psl. 1-55.
- US Department of State – Searching help and assistance 1976. Psl. 1-91.
Saugotojo kontaktai: 5600 S. Claremont Ave, Chicago, IL 60636-1039, USA
Tel. (773) 434-4545, E-mail: info@lithuanianresearch.org