Antano Kenstavičiaus fondas
Antano Kenstavičiaus fondas
Fonds consists of letters written by Bronius Kviklys to Antanas Kenstavičius in regards to information and photographs that Kenstavičius received primarily from relatives and friends in Soviet occupied Lithuania and predominantly Lithuanian areas of Poland and provided to Kviklys for use in his 4 volume compilation “Mūsų Lietuva” (Our Lithuania) and 6 volume compilation “Lietuvos Bažnyčios” (Churches of Lithuania), as well as personal information about Kviklys’ life and interaction with people behind the Iron Curtain.
Kontaktai: El. paštas Tel. Nr. 905-361-0434.
Yra sukurta informacinė duomenų bazė, katalogai, kuriais naudojamasi vietoje.