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Onos Gailiūnaitės fondas

Fond group: Kanada
Institution: Kanados lietuvių muziejus-archyvas (Lithuanian Museum-Archives of Canada)
Fond number: CA ON00161 572
Fond limits: 1924-1989

Onos Gailiūnaitės fondas

Fonds contains: personal documents of Ona Gailiūnaitė including documents relating to university studies in Lithuania and Vienna and employment as teacher in Lithuania and Blomberg DP Camp in Germany, identity and travel documents, Canadian citizenship certificate; correspondence related to Ona Gailiūnaitė’s involvement with the Lithuanian Girl Scout movement; - handwritten and typewritten manuscripts written by Ona Gailiūnaitė about prominent Lithuanian women including Sofija Kymantaitė-Čiurlionienė and Ona Lukauskaitė-Poškienė among others; - typewritten draft of manuscript about Ona Lukauskaitė-Poškienė written by Valerija Anysienė; - clippings of articles printed in Toronto’s weekly Lithuanian newspaper “Tėviškės Žiburiai” (Lights of the Homeland) and drafts of letters Ona Gailiūnaitė wrote challenging the articles’ author’s depiction of Sofija Kymantaitė-Čiurlionienė and description of particular events in Lithuania; and - Ona Gailiūnaitė’s handwritten and typewritten reminiscences of various events and memories.

Kontaktai: El. paštas klma@klb.org  Tel. Nr. 905-361-0434.

Yra sukurta informacinė duomenų bazė, katalogai, kuriais naudojamasi vietoje.

Registration of fonds
